The ALMAYUDA FOUNDATION is a private family foundation that supports projects in the domains of culture, solidarity and the environment.
The commitments of ARTIVISTA have moved ALMAYUDA, as they associate a cultural approach with social actions, and because the project in question, in the disadvantaged district of Bab al-Tebbaneh, in Tripoli, will allow ALMAYUDA to intensify its action in Lebanon. Transform our emotions into commitments.

The BTP+ Foundation finances social projects that help future, current and former employees of the building and public works sector or those with a link to this sector of activity. It pays close attention to the innovative nature of the initiatives carried out by the associations it subsidizes. The agreement signed with the CFA BTP of Saint-Denis in 2021 allowed young apprentices to create participative frescoes with professional muralists.els.

Thanks to the Vinci Foundation and GTM Bâtiment (a subsidiary of Vinci Construction France and a major player in housing renovation in the Ile-de-France region) for supporting our projects and helping us with the logistics.

The Vinci/Colombia Foundation channels the social management of the group’s companies, focusing on the development of social projects. “We are convinced that through our projects we will succeed in bridging social gaps in the pursuit of a more equitable country, with development opportunities for all. Main lines of action: education, inclusivity and volunteering.”

Created in February 2017, the Keyrus Foundation aims at defending equal opportunities and promote human and cultural diversity by supporting numerous solidarity projects. It aims to promote entrepreneurship and digital education, to commit to disability inclusivity and environmental protection, and to support access to art and culture for all.
“After supporting Artivista’s Franco-Brazilian project in 2018, the Keyrus Foundation is proud to support today the France-Colombia urban art project, which is a real lever for social ties and openness to the world. Thank you to Artivista for making art accessible to all and for embellishing living spaces in disadvantaged neighborhoods in a sustainable way.”
Part of the Fondation de France, the La Ferthé Foundation is a family foundation that promotes the values of generosity, mutual aid and family spirit, so that they are transmitted to future generations. It supports projects and associations in the cultural, scientific, humanitarian, economic and social fields, both in France and abroad. Mutual aid and solidarity are values that are close to their hearts.
“Because Artivista shares our values, its projects immediately endeared themselves to our executive committee. Through them, it is a human, social and artistic adventure as well as community values that we are particularly happy to support.” Jean-Paul Milon, founding member.

“REHAU France is committed to support ARTIVISTA for the next 3 years (2022/2025) as a sponsor, because the values promoted by ARTIVISTA’s achievements, both in terms of intercultural exchanges and human and social motivations, are also strong values that we share at REHAU. Moreover, we particularly like the idea of bringing back color to disadvantaged neighborhoods in France and abroad, since we promote the use of color products in everyday life, color being the projection of our emotions, in order to brighten our lives.

Since Artivista’s inception in 2018, SB Printing has been with us. Thanks to their generous support, Artivista is able to print high quality communication materials. Equipped with state-of-the-art machinery, and recognized in its field for its quality production, Imprimeries SB has collaborated with big names such as BMW, Caudalie Paris, Givenchy, LVMH or even Nuxe Paris. Imprimeries SB undertakes a process of continuous improvement of its production process by meeting the most stringent requirements in terms of quality while being environmentally friendly.
Deeply involved in Iraq, the association distributes a scholarship to students in Mossoul and helps part of the population to rebuild their house destroyed by Daesh. If it remains faithful to its vocation by supporting the action of Christians, it intervenes with all without distinction and supports Artivista in its project. “To have young people of all faiths work together to make the culture of Mosul shine”.
By developing quality brands and products as renowned as Amsterdam, Royal Talens uses the global reputation of its brands to help and support painters and hobbyists around the world. They encourage creative people to cross borders and “rediscover” themselves. They offered us all the cans we needed to color the sports field of the Robert-Debré Hospital.
There is a strong cultural connection between Brazil and France. Of all the Seasons organized by the French Institute, the Year of Brazil in France in 2005 was the most successful: nearly a quarter of the French population attended. The Year of France in Brazil in 2009 has confirmed this mutual interest, with more than 1000 cultural events. This particular link has its origins in an ancient dialogue, based on a mutual admiration that continues to this day.
The association Les Bricos du Cœur has for vocation “to help people who help people”. Its role is to help, associations and foundations that support those in need on a daily basis, by donating products or by organizing workcamps that are carried out with the help of volunteers.

“By contributing to this adventure, the engineering company Astall, had in heart to support a young association of which it shares the humanistic and artistic values.” Patrick L. Manager of the company.
Canson is the heir to half a millennium of paper-making know-how and has a strong spirit of innovation, making it the world leader in fine art paper. The company has been able to create special links with the creative people of the world, providing them with support and visibility, whether they are artists, designers, architects, fashion designers, comic book artists, photographers, or passionate amateurs… Canson continues to reach out to many artists through partnerships such as ours.
With an experience of nearly 25 years trying to improve as much as possible the daily life of the sick or handicapped children and teenagers, Marc Salem, Founder and General Delegate of the association, wanted to go even further by creating the association Coucou Nous Voilou. The main project of the association is AbracadaBox. It consists of boxes to hide infusion or chemotherapy bags, with colors and famous cartoon characters, to help young people to make treatements less difficult to young people. Coucou Nous Voilou also aims at financing projects to improve the daily life and the conditions of stay proposed by the hospitals and the pediatric services to young hospitalized people : hence their engagement with the association Artivista.
The Posca brand was born in 1984 in Japan. 30 years later, their famous paint marker is famous all over the world. POSCA is committed to promoting the work of associations that make art accessible to less privileged people and to support them in their creative process.
The Taylor Hotel is located in a dynamic and popular area of Paris, that’s why street art is an integral part of our decor. Art as a vector of our values such as exchange, open-mindedness and benevolence, seems to us to be an obvious choice. It is essential for us to participate in actions that have meaning and ARTIVISTA is part of it. All these projects inspire us, which is why the Taylor Hotel team is proud to support ARTIVISTA.