Here we are at the end of 2024 in Tripoli, Libya, where Artivista collaborated with the NGO Super Novae after an exciting meeting with the team at its premises in Paris. Artivista agreed to participate in the Mouta’alleq program, the main objective of which is to support former combatants and their families in reintegrating civilian and professional life. As in our previous interventions, we shared strong moments with the beneficiaries using urban painting as a common thread. The two artists Aurélie Andrès (French) and Mohamed Shandoul (Libyan from Tripoli), supervised the creation of painted walls at the French embassy and in the center of the old city of Tripoli for 5 days. photo report Moezbenour

Our partnership Super Novae
Super Novae is a start-up NGO specializing in building economic resilience in the world’s most fragile regions, to the benefit of people facing specific vulnerabilities and marginalization: former-combatants, irregular workers, youth out of combat, isolated women, IDPs. As a dynamic and agile non-profit, we are committed to empowering marginalized communities at the intersection of humanitarian aid and development. We use digital innovation as a tool for improved agility and transparency.
In three years, we have been able to deploy concrete interventions in Libya, Yemen, Palestine (Gaza) and Sudan, thanks to the support of the European Union, France, USAID and WFP.
Mouta’alleq project
Wall at the French Embassy

dans le cadre de leur programme de réinsertion.
Wall in the Medina

The Mouta’alleq project focuses on the socio-economic reintegration of former combatants in Tripoli, Libya. Through professional training, psychosocial support, and other key services, we’re helping individuals rebuild their lives and contribute positively to their communities. Currently in its third phase, the project is funded by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, continuing to pave the way for lasting peace and stability. The Mouta’alleq project offers a holistic approach to a target group facing psycho-social marginalization. Aside of providing TVET and entrepreneurship training, we offer psychological support, as well as arts, sports, and e-sports activities to progressively reintegrate a balanced civilian life.
Official inauguration in the medina
Organized by the French Ambassador and his team. The Libyan Minester of Labor, the Mayor of Tripoli, the Super Novae team, Artivista and the artists are present. The children that we are not allowed to photograph are numerous and delighted to participate in such an event.

The Super Novae and Artivista team on the ground

Meeting of artists Aurélie Andrès and Mohammed Shandoul